All the series are suitable for steel plate, but each series has its advantage, Series YX1 is used for manually handling small plate materials; Series YX2 for automatically handling short and thick steel plate; Series YX3 for manually handling long and thin steel plate; Series YX4 for automatically handling wide-range materials, but forbidden from operation in empty; Series YX5 is used for handling thick and heavy steel plate with demand of power supply.
Use Series YX1 for lifting and transporting single round material like round steel, steel tube, etc. Use Series YX4 and YX5 for lifting and transporting multi-pieces round materials.
Use Series YX2, YX4 and YX5 for automatically handling materials.
Use Series YX1, YX4 and YX5 for thin steel (thickness less than 6 mm).
Use Series YX3, YX4 and YX5 for multiple units as they have good synchronism.
Series YX2,YX3 and YX5 have minimum dimension demand on material to be discharged, therefore pls take note of it.
Series YX5 can unload materials overhead.
Each series has its range of lifting capacty.
If you want to adjust attraction power, or side suspending and lift special materials such as steel band roll, steel billet, please contact with our technology department. We shall make special design according to your particular purpose and environment.